Sam de Muijnck is director at the independent Dutch think tank Our New Economy.

Sam standing in grass

Photo credit: Bartjan de Bruijn - Mooi Mens

My work

Since my first year at university, I have been working on changing the way economics is taught. Rather than focusing exclusively on mathematical skills and neoclassical theory, understanding the actual economy we live in should be the central goal. Students should learn about different economic theories, history and visions for the future.

Since my graduation during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I have been working on helping change the way we run our economy. Rather than focusing on GDP and profit, we should aim for human wellbeing, social justice, and ecological sustainability. Let’s democratise society and change how we think about economic value.

Besides my economics activities, I am active in the hip-hop community as co-founder, organizer, and breaking teacher of the Damn Fresh Crew and rapper under the name Breakonoom.

Sam doing a breakdance move

Photo credit: Robin de Puy

My background

Bachelor economics & honours program (cum laude) at Radboud University Nijmegen


Interdisciplinary research master (cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam


Director at Our New Economy

2023 – Present

Intern at the Dutch Ministry of Finance


Chair at Rethinking Economics NL


External researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

2021 – 2023

Secretary at Instituut voor Publieke Economie

2022 – Present

Advisor curriculum reform at SLO

2023 – Present

Book: Economy Studies

Photo credit: Job Bos - JD-Productions

Together with Joris Tieleman, I published a book on how to reform economics education named ‘Economy Studies: A Guide to Rethinking Economics Education’.

Report: Towards the Wellbeing Economy

Together with Elisa Terragno Bogliaccini and Jim R. Surie, I wrote a report on how to reform the economy called ‘Towards the Wellbeing Economy’.

Contact me

Email address: sam[dot]de[dot]muijnck[at]ourneweconomy[dot]nl